Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Interview with Dr. Mallory Havens

Q: In the movie Zeitgeist, the first part focuses on how the ideas of religion came about through an astrological belief. What are your views on astrology? Do you believe stars hold any relation to the telling of a story or prediction of the future?
A: I do not believe in astrology at all. I also know very little about astrology. I think the stars and constellations can be used to tell stories and myths but I do not think they predict or determine anyone's future.

Q: Being a science professional, do you believe it is scientifically possible for a higher power to exist? If so, describe your interpretation of a higher power.
A: I think, if there were a higher power, science would not be able to prove or disprove of that. As a scientist you can either compartmentalize region and science or try to find some common ground. I do not think that accepting scientific findings precludes one from believing in a higher power or god. A higher power could mean a god, but it could also mean something as broad as Karma (what goes around comes around).

Q: “You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and experiencing itself.” What is your interpretation of this quote? Do you agree or disagree and why?
A: I interpret this to mean that we are all part of a bigger system that is greater than ourselves. I do not agree with the quote because it implies that the universe as a whole has direction or intelligence.

Q: Do you hold a belief in souls? What is your opinion regarding the idea of the eternal existence of a soul? Meaning, the idea that the soul does not die but more so the physical body does and the soul carries on.
A: I think it depends on how to define soul. A person's personality, characteristics and the impact they have on others could be considered an eternal existence as all your actions and interactions towards and with others can impact that person and thus those who interact with that person, etc. I am intentionally, being a little indirect with my answer here.

Q: Do you hold a belief in reincarnation? Why or why not?
A: No. Although having multiple chances at life would be nice, I don't think it happens. It doesn't seem logical to me. It also requires a soul to consist of some transferable matter.

Q: What are your views on society today regarding our impact on this planet? For example, global warming and industrialization. Do you think humans are affected by these issues just as much as the earth itself is?
A: I think people in the western world do not feel the impact of our actions as severely in those in less developed nations. I think, eventually, our actions will catch up to us in the western world as well. We cannot use our resources indiscriminately without consequences. We are part of this planet, so damage to earth is damage to ourselves.

Q: How would you define success?
A: ! I think success is being happy with who you are and what you do. As you get older I think you realize more and more how money and accolades are nice but not everything. Success is being good at your vocation and enjoying it in the process.

Q: Do you believe in destiny?
A: I think we have control over our lives. I don't think fate, destiny or serendipity control us. We make our own destinies.

Q: What are your views on meditation? What do you think one can achieve through meditating? What purpose does it hold?
A: I think meditation is awesome. It is a great way to relax and give time to yourself I don't think you can transcend yourself through it. To me, meditation is a way to connect with yourself.

Q: What do you believe is the overall purpose of life of humans in general?
A: Wow.... I think this is a HUGE question. I think we are here on earth to learn as much as we can, contribute as much as we can, help others as much as we can and try to leave things a little better than we arrived earth. 

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